Sunday, March 30, 2008

And more Macro...

I going to submit this to my next camera club meeting, Hopefully someone likes it.

Photoshop Time

Here is the shot I did for our Camera Club. I thought I would show it off. I did not take the Original Photo.

Monday, March 24, 2008

A little Macro work

Got a new 105mm Nikkor Lens! Here is my first shot with it. A little March cheer, a nice flower shot. It's a very nice lens, I might just have to get into this macro thing, spring is coming soon.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

God's Rays

Nice shot at sunset.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Sailing the Rusted Sea -HDR

Well, I have decided to put this photo on the site after all, I had some hesitation, because I do not want someone to steal it. So to prevent that, I waterwarked the hell out of it. I really like this photo, even to the tune that I might try to sell copies of it to anyone that might want to buy a copy and hang it somewhere. But like most photograpy it's not be cheap to print big. Make a comment and I will respond if you are interrested. I review all comments so if you leave a email I will right it down and delete the comment if you do not want it posted. Enjoy the Photo.