Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Old Wagon (Black and White)

This photo had some problems, so I made it dreamy..

Old Plow

Here was an old plow just rusted to the ground.

Russel Homestead HDR

Nice shot of the front of the house with some great HDR clouds behind.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Juniper Jumper

Here was a Juniper Twig just sitting on a peice of barb wire. Thought it looked peaceful.

Russel Ranch

I got to go shot the Russel ranch this weekend on some Private Property. Which the owners let me go and photograph this house and the barn. I have taken photo's here before, but not with the D300 or any good Glass. So here is the homestead the house. I hoped to get these shots before it decides to fall down. At just over a Hundred years old.

Lookout Grange in HDR

Nice little shot looking at the Lookout Grange in Oregon. Nice HDR with cool highlights at the porch.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Overlooking Prineville

I tried to do a rectangular photo, but my older computer just cannot handle it. I might try on another computer. If i can get it to work, I'll replace this one. But it was the nicest day in PV today, just had to try out my new shutter release. I am looking forward to night photo's. I might even go out tonight, since the moon is out.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It's Done. Finally

I have been working on this photo for about 2 years. It's finally done and good enough to hang in the living room. I really need to move that hat and coat rack, but for the time being it should be fine.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Night Trails, Revised...Photoshop

I wanted to creat a image with three diferent shots into one. The night shot with different trails was a good test. So here is what i ended up with. I am very happy with it. I tried a color correction, but it just was not natural. Seemed way to fake. Well I hope someone enjoys this...