Wednesday, January 30, 2008

More Night Photography

Here is a shot of the courthouse here in town. They really need to change the different colored lights on the building. I thought it was strange, and a friend of mine thought I painted the colors onto the Building. Nope, this is the way it came out of the Camera. It's a little crooked too..

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Light painting

It's really amazing what a flashlight will do and a little cs2 now how. this was three shots, the sky, the ground, and the details of the statue. Fun for me, a good for you to enjoy.

Night Photography

I went out and took some shots. I have a timer on order, and I'm waiting for the really long shot at night. (Can't wait) maybe some nice star trails. But for now this will have to do. I want to try muiltiple exposures too.

Friday, January 25, 2008


Well, it is time to start a with something new, it's a new year and there might be changing's for me in the future, only time will tell. I am going to start posting a few photo's here, and there, for a while. Maybe the photo's will get me to do more, if not they will at least get me out there...maybe make some other doors open up for me.

Camera Equipment....

We'll I have finally decided to buy a camera, and get back into Photography. I got the new Nikon, and have already had a few issues with it, Nothing out of the norm for me, but I think I have got my issues fixed do to the Copperhill people. Thanks, bye the way. So no more spots for me, at least I hope not. I hope to go out this weekend and take a few shots, if it not snowing sideways.

Snow Bow...

Nice what a sight it was.

Meet Olive "Garden"

What blog would not be complete without a Photo of their beloved dog or puppy. So here she is...

Olive Garden our dog....

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Here is a picture from Rhonna what a great sun dog...