Thursday, November 13, 2008

Senior Photo's

Here is a Senior Photo I did. I learned a lot in a very short period of time. It was fun, And I hope to do more in the future. I have to have some ankle work done, and will not be shooting photos for a while. Hopefully if all goes well I can get out in a few months and start back at it again.

Friday, September 19, 2008

A little needed Vacation Time

Title: Touched by the Ocean
Well, after a week on the Oregon coast I am wading throught 200 shots from this Trip. Sometimes it's bad to shoot Raw, processing the shots takes a long time. Here is one of my favorite images so far. Title: Touched by the Ocean

Monday, September 8, 2008

More Bikes--------------------------------->

Wicked Witch Bike

Prineville Poker Run

They came unannounced, but made and impression on the community. Nice bikes!! There will be more photo's to follow.

More Bugs

Just Another Bug Shot

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Wizard Falls In HDR

Great shot at Wizard Falls near Sisters. Got this just after Dusk. I went to the fish hatchery with the Wife and the pups. We had a blast. And I finally remembered to bring the camera. This is probally the most photogenic spots in Central Oregon. The Cascades come in a 2nd as being the most Photogenic Spot.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Bug Grazing

A small moth grazing on a nice flower

Monday, August 18, 2008

55 Chevy

Front shot of the 55 Chevy

Monday, August 11, 2008


In yellow of coarse

55 Chevy

Another car show down. Here was a nice Chevy at the Fair car show this last weekend.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Wicked Cuda!

A shot of my friends Barracuda. It's a great looking car and is the perfect fit for this photo. Enjoy. It was shot at the park here in town, I am looking to take more shots with the car being the only thing in the photo without all the reflections, to show it off.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My Fare Lady

Great little shot of a lady bug on the hops last night, maybe dining on the aphids which end up on my hops by years end. Beer's best friend buy far,

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Monday, June 23, 2008

Fire Ant

Don't let these babies in your pants. He was hungry and packing off some food to the other.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Firecracker Penstemon

Found the name of the flower, from a good friend of mine. Thanks again

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Flower Abstract

Waiting for Summer

Might snow in the mountians tonight, I'm looking forward to summer

Monday, June 9, 2008

Graduation Shot.

Here is a graduation photo I did. If you would like any shots done please contact me.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Welcome home.

Nice shot from this weekend, I really need to get out and do some wildflowers.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Spot On.

I like this one, i revised it for more pop. and darkened the colors a bit.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Hot Rod revised

A friend of mine said that the license plate was off, so here you go. Revised and changed.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Not all fun and Games

Well this is photography that tells a story, what fun. Well, next weekend we get to do the rest of the floor. I was going to do a movie but am glad I did not, the dust was bad. we'll be cleaning it for months to come. Well life is never just fun and games, we still have to work when things are wrong. Its best not to fall throught the floor(it happened). If I find the STUPID PERSON who nailed the floor down and into the drain pipe to the washing machine, all I can say is watch out for me.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Hot Rod

Here is a photo of one of the local cars in the hot rod show this last weekend. I had other things going and didn't get to take many shots. But this one done in the artsy way, looked pretty good. So here you go. Enjoy!

Monday, May 12, 2008


Just a quick photo of the only flower right now.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Another Orchid...

This one's just a bit better, looks wonderful printed, contact me for one.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Orchid Flower

Nice Orchid flower. I did a bunch of these, so off and on you the blog will get some photo's of them.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Flxible Bus

Found this out in a feild. I have some other shot I'll share. I have a color one and a BW one. I like the BW one better.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

And more Macro...

I going to submit this to my next camera club meeting, Hopefully someone likes it.

Photoshop Time

Here is the shot I did for our Camera Club. I thought I would show it off. I did not take the Original Photo.

Monday, March 24, 2008

A little Macro work

Got a new 105mm Nikkor Lens! Here is my first shot with it. A little March cheer, a nice flower shot. It's a very nice lens, I might just have to get into this macro thing, spring is coming soon.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

God's Rays

Nice shot at sunset.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Sailing the Rusted Sea -HDR

Well, I have decided to put this photo on the site after all, I had some hesitation, because I do not want someone to steal it. So to prevent that, I waterwarked the hell out of it. I really like this photo, even to the tune that I might try to sell copies of it to anyone that might want to buy a copy and hang it somewhere. But like most photograpy it's not be cheap to print big. Make a comment and I will respond if you are interrested. I review all comments so if you leave a email I will right it down and delete the comment if you do not want it posted. Enjoy the Photo.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Old Wagon (Black and White)

This photo had some problems, so I made it dreamy..

Old Plow

Here was an old plow just rusted to the ground.

Russel Homestead HDR

Nice shot of the front of the house with some great HDR clouds behind.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Juniper Jumper

Here was a Juniper Twig just sitting on a peice of barb wire. Thought it looked peaceful.

Russel Ranch

I got to go shot the Russel ranch this weekend on some Private Property. Which the owners let me go and photograph this house and the barn. I have taken photo's here before, but not with the D300 or any good Glass. So here is the homestead the house. I hoped to get these shots before it decides to fall down. At just over a Hundred years old.

Lookout Grange in HDR

Nice little shot looking at the Lookout Grange in Oregon. Nice HDR with cool highlights at the porch.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Overlooking Prineville

I tried to do a rectangular photo, but my older computer just cannot handle it. I might try on another computer. If i can get it to work, I'll replace this one. But it was the nicest day in PV today, just had to try out my new shutter release. I am looking forward to night photo's. I might even go out tonight, since the moon is out.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It's Done. Finally

I have been working on this photo for about 2 years. It's finally done and good enough to hang in the living room. I really need to move that hat and coat rack, but for the time being it should be fine.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Night Trails, Revised...Photoshop

I wanted to creat a image with three diferent shots into one. The night shot with different trails was a good test. So here is what i ended up with. I am very happy with it. I tried a color correction, but it just was not natural. Seemed way to fake. Well I hope someone enjoys this...

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

More Night Photography

Here is a shot of the courthouse here in town. They really need to change the different colored lights on the building. I thought it was strange, and a friend of mine thought I painted the colors onto the Building. Nope, this is the way it came out of the Camera. It's a little crooked too..

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Light painting

It's really amazing what a flashlight will do and a little cs2 now how. this was three shots, the sky, the ground, and the details of the statue. Fun for me, a good for you to enjoy.

Night Photography

I went out and took some shots. I have a timer on order, and I'm waiting for the really long shot at night. (Can't wait) maybe some nice star trails. But for now this will have to do. I want to try muiltiple exposures too.